With the many guidelines found on the web, most people can find the remedy to removing a stain from your carpet. These, usually effective, treatments are typically specified in the steps. However, there are times where some of the directions can be incomplete or hazy. To help optimize the stain removal, we at Carpet Care 2000 would like to offer some important don’ts when treating your carpet stains.
Do Not Soak Carpet
In the spilled substances that made contact with the carpet, there is usually some moisture content. Leading to an increased over soaking, the liquid cleaning solution frequently requires repetitive steps to remove the stain completely. In addition to water damage that affects the sub floor, carpet pad, and carpet, the moisture can easily lead to mold and mildew growth. Remove excess moisture in between applications with extra towels or paper towels to prevent over wetting the carpet.
Avoid Scrubbing / Rubbing Carpet
It is a natural response to attempt to erase the stains through vigorous rubbing and scrubbing. When you scrub and rub the spills however, the circumstances are worsened. With the pressure and motion of scrubbing and rubbing techniques, the substance is pushed deeper and wider. When you treat the spots and stains, begin blotting the exterior of the stain and work your way to the center. Ensure to begin the outer rim and going inward to control the stain through blotting.
Cleaning Carpets with Hot Water is a Mistake
Water is a primary element in cleaning up spills. It is used in the solution, as well as often to pre-rinse and post-rinse, which the temperature is not necessarily specified. However, it is vital you avoid hot water. Heat can cause the stain to set in. If temperature is not specified, use cool water.
Always Rinse & Dry Carpet After Cleaning Stains
After you have lifted the stain, you have a few more steps. Never walk away by this point. Be sure to rinse the residue cleaning solution, otherwise dirt and debris can stick to the area. Once you have used a water-damp cloth to rinse the area, use a cloth or towel to remove excess water. After which leave dry towel that is weighted down overnight. Make sure the area is dry and vacuum.
Never Skip Carpet Spot Patch Test
Even if it is a familiar product or remedy, you want to ensure there is no damage to the carpet, so never skip the patch test. The fibers can be compromised, though it is more common to see carpet lightening. Pick an inconspicuous area for a patch test, though it is more common to see the carpet lighten.
Never Use Colored or Printed Cloths to Treat Carpet Stains
Using plain white paper towels, cloths, rags, and towels is essential. You can create a stain on top of a stain after using any dyed or printed cleaning aids can be easily transferred to the carpet. Only use plain white cleaning aids to avoid this predicament.
Carpet Cleaning, Stain Removal & More in Tracy, Livermore, San Ramon, Dublin, Mountain House, Walnut Creek, Danville & the East Bay of California
Call Carpet Care 2000 and let our qualified professionals assist you, no matter if you need help removing the stains, or need a deep cleaning, we can provide you a carpet cleaning service.