Your plush, beautiful carpet may be giving you more than a dose of house pride, especially if you can’t seem to stop sneezing or itching whenever you are home. Despite the coziness of the carpets, they can contribute to allergy symptoms. Since carpets are basically like a large filter, they collect all sorts of dirt and debris, and this includes allergens. Today, we at Carpet Care 2000 would like to elaborate on the allergens found on carpet.
Types of Allergens Found in Carpet
Inevitably finding their way into your carpet are the common allergens that exist in and around your home. Allergens in the air are subject to gravity’s pull, just like anything else in the atmosphere. As a result, the allergens get trapped onto the carpets, and every time there is foot traffic, it waifs back into the air before resettling back on the carpet. The most common types of allergens attached to carpets include:
– pollen
– pet dander
– mold
– microscopic insect parts
– dust mites
– dust
Carpet Allergy Symptoms
Allergy-induced asthma, contact dermatitis, or allergic rhinitis can result if you are allergic or sensitive to any of these substances. Most are familiar with the symptoms that are:
– wheezing
– trouble breathing
– sneezing
– shortness of breath
– irritated, scratchy throat
– Watery, itchy eyes
– running, itchy nose
– red, itchy skin
– hives-
– feeling of pressure in the chest
– coughing
Is Low or High Pile Carpet Better for Allergy Sufferers
Though it helps significantly, even vacuuming routinely can leave enough allergens on the carpets to trigger symptoms. Not all carpets are identical, particularly when it comes to allergens sticking to the fibers.
High-pile – long, loose fibers that create carpeting like shag or frieze rugs. The high-pile fiber gives mold with places to grow and allergens a place to stick.
Low-pile – short, tighter weave gives allergens less places to hide. However, the low-pile carpets cannot provide a cozy home for dirt, dust, and pollen.
Is Wool or Synthetic Carpet Better for Allergies?
In addition to allergens that attach the fibers, people can be sensitive the type of carpet such as wool, nylon, polyester, polypropylene, jute, sisal, seagrass, and coconut. Carpets can be either low VOC or high VOC as well. Dissipating over time, VOCs evaporate into the air. The more toxins in the carpet, the higher the VOC load. VOCs may cause allergic reactions in some people in addition to the actual materials used to make carpet.
How Can I Make My Home Allergy Proof?
Removing it may be your best, most comfortable option if you’re allergic to the materials your carpet is made of. Allergy-proofing your home may help in the event you are allergic to the irritants hiding in your carpet. Make certain to apply the following tips below to help manage the allergies.
1) With a vacuum that has a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter, vacuum at least once a week, but the more often the better. Be cautious to invest in a HEPA-certified and not HEPA-like vacuum.
2) Be sure your vacuum is also designed to pick up pet hair if you have a pet.
3) In your home, reduce the humidity to control dust mites and mold.
4) Steam clean your carpets a few times a year.
Steam Carpet Cleaning & More in Tracy, Livermore, San Ramon, Dublin, Mountain House, Walnut Creek, Danville & the East Bay of California
Call in the professionals of Carpet Care 2000 for your deep carpet cleaning services and let us help combat the allergies as well as keep your carpet spotless.